In our toddler daycare program, your little one can channel his or her seemingly boundless energy and curiosity into fun activities in a safe, stimulating environment. Professional, patient caregivers guide your toddler through this period of immense growth, fostering cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical development through art, movement, music, reading, and active outdoor playtime. Within our well-structured toddler programs, your child will have plenty of choices with which to express his or her blossoming independence and self-confidence.
Cognitive Skills: Toddlers are learning new vocabulary, perfecting how they move through their environment and making connections with others. Our curriculum focuses on establishing these connections through songs, finger plays, books and games. We give toddlers new experiences to build their imagination as we encourage them to name colors, objects and people.
Social Skills: Toddlers engage in longer periods of play, but still periodically check to make sure you are close by. They are not always ready to share toys and are very sensitive. At Kiddie Corner Academy, we developed social skills activities to help your child learn to share and respect others. Your child will learn to take turns stacking blocks, assisting teachers and other children with clean up and playing follow the leader.
Communication Skills: Toddlers begin to use words to express their needs and to identify familiar people and objects. Kiddie Corner Academy teachers work to improve your child’s vocabulary. When your child points to something, the teacher will name the item and ask your child to repeat it. Our teachers model good manners by saying “please” and “thank you,” and by welcoming guests into the room. They encourage your child to do the same. We take advantage of these teachable moments so your child doesn’t miss a second of fun and learning.
Gross Motor Skills: Gross motor development is the growth of the large muscle groups, like those in the legs and arms. Toddlers love to climb, so we provide them with safe climbing structures on our age-appropriate outdoor playground. Our older toddlers work on their throwing and catching skills, and enjoy making their way through obstacle courses that are set up in the classroom.
Fine Motor Skills: Fine motor skills are developed in the small muscle groups like those in our fingers and hands. At Kiddie Corner Academy, toddlers are encouraged to do things by themselves like washing their hands and using a fork and spoon to feed themselves. Toddlers have many opportunities to practice their skills throughout the day. Our teachers encourage them to work at their own speed so they feel successful in the skills they are developing.
Emotional Skills: Emotional development involves toddlers feeling safe in their environment. They will establish a strong bond with their teachers and experience a wide variety of emotions. Our teachers talk to your child about his or her feelings and what other people may be feeling.