At Kiddie Corner Academy, the health, safety and well-being of our families and staff are our highest priorities. In the interest of limiting the opportunity for transmition of Covid-19 within our school, we are committed to following the expert guidance and recommendations of the CDC and health department for childcare providers.

The following practices and guidelines have been implemented and adhered to as we re-open our school:

Promoting physical and social distancing practices.

Mandatory use of face masks by all staff, parents, children (over the age of 2), and visitors at all times.

A check point has been established to conduct daily health screenings of all staff, parents, children, and visitors for symptoms and/or signs of illness. Completion of a health questionnaire and temperature check will be required prior to entering our facility.

Classroom access will be limited to children and KCA staff.

Heightened cleaning and disinfecting applications throughout the school.

Promoting healthy hygiene, including handwashing and/or sanitizing throughout the day.

Ongoing wellness communication among parents, staff, and administrators.

Extensive Covid-19 training of all staff and early childhood professionals.

Execution of visual displays, promoting safety awareness.

Educational information and resources for families and staff.

It is our goal to continue to serve our community, as we have successfully accomplished for the past 33 years, while ensuring a safe and healthy environment.

